Tuesday, October 23, 2012

like all good cheeses, i have a process.

 koalas are kinda cunts, right? they aren't really bears, and pandas are just weak. symbolically it works too, but that's not the point. poor pandas and polars, they hate it when we drive.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Brenda felt that was still some resentment there, and she couldn't walk away from that legitimate of an emotion. You only get one chance at being an awful person and she wasn't about to blow it over something as petty as 'moving on'.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

group show in November

Please come, it's a nice old building filled with nice old things and some younger ones.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

women do have purchasing power

You think you're important now- wait until we get to pick out the colors for the nursery. Those paint samples make you feel like the world is yours to decorate and fill with shit you can't afford. You're like an artist- but with money.

Like any woman with a mother, I wonder when I will end

Tracy tried to remember the exact moment she went from being a strong woman with valid opinions to "fucking crazy."