Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wips--the bar vs the gym as a metaphor for life

Kenton Street Fair this Saturday May 22

stop by the street fair on your way to the Kenton Club for your mid-afternoon double Black Velvet with a Coke back. In my absentia, Ida Done That will be represented by Kenton Antiques. Buy some stuff, drink some stuff and hug a giant Paul Bunyon.

Kenton Antiques & Collectibles The new owners of this beloved Kenton shop are ushering in a new generation of “antiques.” The first order of business was organizing the treasures and opening up the space so shoppers could more easily explore the selection. There are still the classics—dainty gloves, old farm tools,
8112 N. Denver Ave
Portland , OR , 97217 USA

Sunday, May 16, 2010


from a handbook i found this weekend

i don't trust those women, and where are these "imported" guys coming from? i don't trust that guy with the mustache, even if it is just to make my spaghetti. he's hiding something. i have no idea what to do with those physically handicapped people. work on a prayer circle? I do like the idea of putting the original cast of Beverly Hills 90210 to work, they're old and they have some real skills. those "over aged" look like the "over dead".

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wait, hear me out, I DO have a lot going on. In addition to looking fucking amazing in makeup, I am both passive AND aggressive.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fuck you and your "you'll die alone" shit. I gots myself a baby with little hands and feet and shit that's always gonna need me. i can't wait to text my ex-boyfriend, he's gonna be so pissed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

seis de mayo

we can agree on the fact that that is cheese and those are for sure limes and this has to be the ear of either a small child or, like you said, some other sort of "little person".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

and why aren't you vacationing in jonestown?

finally, a place i can take the kids and not feel like they are being brainwashed by corporate propaganda. i do so worry about the children. i'm totally getting the commemorative kool aid cup, refills are free!

drinking with the dog

Sunday, May 2, 2010

from a design standpoint, and it's really all about design in art, i like the red, but my gut says go with the gray. i just don't want to ruin it by over-thinking it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010