Monday, March 12, 2012

i have fallen down

i'm OKAY, it's nice down here, i can barely see a thing and the ringing in my ears has made your petty bitching and tired drama sound like a song mocking those two things, really pleasant, ambient, but without the guilt of what we are doing to the whales. I can honestly say i have no complaints. and yeah, i bitched about it at the time because i'm a pessimist and do like to prepare for future disappointments by failing the moment, but i admit when i'm wrong and now, in the retrospect, i think falling was probably the best decision i ever made-drunk or sober.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

i sit in a booth

Great weekend last weekend, all of them, the weekend before that-all good. it just couldn't get any better than sitting in a booth next to guys in beige pleated pants who rub the back of their necks all day. if there's anything i love more than a verbal tic, it's a physical one.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tomorrow South East Portland ART Walk

Please join me and six other talented and kind people at the church on 28th and Harrison--Episcopalian? what do they do? i know that one of the ladies I am showing with works with wax...but other than that I have been out of the loop.
oh yeah, it's art