Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hot Dogs!

so i moved the dog so you can see him better. i don't know if it will be funny to people who haven't been to cambodia.
sometimes she worried that she wouldn't even be able to sleep when she was dead.

Monday, March 29, 2010

the hypocrisy of republicans

My husband will serve this the next time the guys come over and then i will totally deal with the consequences.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

what i want more than anything ever

i know we have all had this same dream, the flame thrower dream... i wonder who the lucky lady was who actually got to light some guy on fire before they stopped selling these for $20 to housewives. she is the luckiest lady in the whole world.

Seeing what is in there

Friday, March 26, 2010

That is interesting, not what you were saying so much as that I am still listening.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

i think you are being overly dramatic is all, 'blahblahblah mememe' and my 'no body/severed head.' get over it. we all have problems. look at my feet. they are disgusting and this polish is like three weeks old.
everything is funny on mushrooms

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I rule this pathetic shit hole! All you fuckles bow down to me, pretty pretty mememe!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

He figured it was best to just quit talking about it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I would really like to write a book someday, I just don't know what it would be about...maybe something with orphans, or fashion or something else.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

the nice thing about subtle

but wait, I'm a big star.

i am really sad about the passing of big star's alex chilton (and my using of the word "passing" because that word is just funny unless it's about death). elliott smith covered 13 right before he died and it's just kind of one of those things that when your favorite thing likes your other favorite thing you are happy until you realize that neither can survive forever. i never traveled that far without a little big star.
Trust me, I come to this BarBQ every year and every year it sucks. Same stupid people, same shitty food and whatever piss beer is on sale-- but whatever, I got nothing else going on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

things i find on craigslist while i'm looking to hook up

I didn't know whether this person wanted feedback for the writing or the art.

feed back please

Date: 2010-03-16, 4:14PM PDT
Reply to: Errors when replying to ads?]

lookin for objective opinions just a painting hobbie

thank you

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Call your friends, Sip and Shop tonight

Sip and Shop 4904 SE Hawthorne handmade goods, art, booze, booze, some soap and shit, more name it, they're selling it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sip and Shop

If anyone who sees this lives in the Portland area I will be drinking in front of a table of crap that won't sell on March 17th --Sip and Shop social club. It's a great place to buy local art and drink and laugh and laugh and laugh. Think of it as a drunken Nordstrom Cafe (I loved eating there when I was young and thought that eating clam chowder in a place that also sold perfume meant I had made it).!/pages/Ida-Done-That/183598945951

Friday, March 12, 2010

This close, I was this close to being happy for like- a second. I think I was 14, but I don't really remember. I've been pretty drunk since then.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don't get me wrong, I still love these two to death and really, there will always be a place in my heart for my less attractive, fatter friends because I'm not the type of person who will just forget about people who might be able to help me with something later. I refuse to be that girl.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my lamenity

so i spend like three hours doing this because first i had one cake and then i didn't like that cake and then dan said it was "weird" which for some reason (even though I know that is pretty much all I am) I find insulting and in need of remedy, and yeah, the lady who wanted to buy them bought all but this one so now i totally hate it and feel like bringing it into my house will only harm my dog and me. it's like that little stupid bunny is made of lead or something. I hope someone likes it someday. i might be dead, but whatever, as long as my three hours wasn't wasted. i know rationally this is a better waste of time than pretty much anything else I could have done with my particular intelligence and skill set (there's no cure for anything coming from me no matter how much i wish otherwise) but still, i could have smoked so many cigarettes in three hours and don't even get me started on the on line pharmacies i could have researched.

Only Darla knew that now we were only one Corey away from the end of the world.

Decisions every day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finally alone, Molly realizes that what she really hates more than anything is herself.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Judy thought networking was so much better than actually working--getting out there, listening to stories, no one seeing her cry or make that face she always made when all she could feel was hate...

Just listed on Etsy along with some other basement clutter

Saturday, March 6, 2010

that sounds like a great idea, but you know, what we should do before we do that is open our wrists into a really warm tub. I'm not saying it has to be our pee, but i'm hoping someone else, maybe someone more worthy would have peed in it so the burn would be worth it and would kind of feel like success.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am sure your situation was just as bad as mine, I mean, empathy, right? Tell me again about your ex, it's a real inspirational story and if you can make it through that level of minor discomfort, I'm sure I can live through this.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit must run from shame must run from shame keep running...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I know time it is, I am a housewife not an idiot and yes, I am probably drunk now if you want to get all technical about it.
